How to Build a Sales Enablement Strategy? with Template

To build a fail-proof sales enablement strategy and to align you sales and marketing teams

August 12.2024  4 minutes


Imagine you are a sales enablement, sales or Marketing manager starting a new quarter or entering a new role in a different company. These are probably some of the questions running in your mind: 


  • Is the sales team well-staffed?
  • Do they have the right tools? 
  • Do they have all the content they need? 
  • Are they well aware of the product? 
  • Do they have all the information they need about new features and updates? 
  • How are they communicating with the internal teams in case of ad-hoc requirements? 
  • And the list goes on.


The task at hand is simple: How can we help the sales team close deals faster and better?

The how: A good sales enablement strategy. 

The Result: A sales team that can 


  • Identify and prioritise the prospects effectively
  • Give all the necessary and relevant information based on their unique use case 
  • answer all possible questions accurately 
  • find and share relevant content to help the prospects make the buying decision
  • Follow up at the right time and close deals faster 


In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss the steps involved in building, implementing and continuously improving an effective sales enablement strategy. 


What is a Sales Enablement Strategy?


A sales enablement strategy is a comprehensive plan designed to equip sales teams with the tools, resources, processes, and information they need to sell more effectively and efficiently. 


The goal of a sales enablement strategy is to ensure that sales teams can engage with customers in a meaningful way, shorten the sales cycle, increase win rates, and ultimately drive revenue growth.


Why Do You Need a Sales Enablement Strategy?


CSO insights indicate that 20% of the salespersons in most companies contribute to 80% of the revenue. However, according to SalesForce,  just 43% of sellers achieve their sales quotas. 


A well-defined sales enablement strategy helps fix the latter and achieve the following:


Improved Sales Productivity: a sales enablement strategy helps streamline the sales process, making it more efficient and productive by providing sales teams with the right tools and training.


According to a HubSpot report, companies with an effective sales enablement strategy and an efficient sales team report up to a 14% increase in sales productivity and a 15% increase in sales quota attainment.


Enhanced Collaboration: It fosters better alignment between sales and marketing, ensuring that both teams work towards common goals with consistent messaging. IBM’s integration of sales enablement tools resulted in improved alignment between their sales and marketing departments, leading to a 12% increase in lead conversion rates.


collaboration features


Improved Revenue Growth: by optimizing sales processes and equipping sales teams with the necessary resources, a sales enablement strategy helps achieve targets and business growth.


How to Develop a Sales Enablement Strategy


Developing a sales enablement strategy involves several critical steps, each designed to ensure your sales team is well-equipped to achieve their goals. 


Here is a detailed breakdown of the process:


1. Define Business Objectives


The first step in creating a sales enablement strategy is understanding our business objectives. These must include goals such as revenue growth, market expansion, or launching a new product. 


Our sales enablement goals should be derived from these overall business objectives to ensure alignment.


Example 1: If the business objective is to increase revenue by 20%, our sales enablement goals might include identifying and expanding into profitable industries, adopting new tools to streamline the sales cycle, and improving lead conversion rates.

Example 2: If the goal is market expansion, our sales enablement objectives must involve exploring new markets, developing targeted sales strategies for those markets, and training sales teams to address the unique needs of customers in those areas.


Defining clear business objectives provides a foundation for your sales enablement strategy. It ensures that all efforts are focused on achieving specific, measurable goals that drive business success.


2. Conduct Market Analysis


Market analysis helps us understand our target market and the industry landscape. Whether we are launching a new product or planning to scale an existing one, detailed market research is crucial. It helps understand where the product fits in the market and how to position it effectively.


It also provides insights into customer needs and preferences, allowing you to tailor your sales strategies accordingly.


  • For New Products:
    • Identify Target Sectors: Determine which sectors most likely benefit from our product.
    • Customer Segmentation: Segment our potential customers based on demographics, needs, and buying behaviors.
    • Competitive Analysis: Analyze our competitors to understand their strengths and weaknesses.
    • Market Trends and Dynamics: Stay updated on industry trends and market dynamics that could impact your product.


  • For Existing Products:
    • Re-Evaluate Target Sectors: Reassess our current market to identify any changes or new opportunities.
    • Identify New Market Opportunities: Look for untapped markets or niches where our product could be successful.
    • Explore Potential Locations for Expansion: Consider geographic expansion to reach new customer bases.


3. Develop Content Strategy


A robust content strategy is essential for supporting sales efforts throughout the sales cycle. It helps enhance the sales process because 57% of the customers’ journey happens before meeting the sales rep. 


A well-defined content strategy also ensures the sales team has the right materials at their disposal, enabling them to engage with prospects effectively at every stage of the sales cycle.

Steps to Develop Content Strategy:

  • Determine the types of content needed.
  • Develop content that addresses target personas' needs and challenges.
  • Plan and schedule content creation and distribution to ensure consistent engagement.


4. Optimize Sales Process


Aligning business objectives with sales enablement goals is just the beginning. Next, you need to streamline your existing sales processes to ensure efficiency from lead generation to closing deals. 


Optimizing your sales process ensures that your sales team can work more efficiently and effectively, reducing the time and effort required to close deals and increasing overall productivity.

Steps to Optimize Sales Process:


  • Conduct an Audit: Review your current sales processes to identify gaps and inefficiencies.
  • Document Current Processes: Clearly document each step of your sales process.
  • Identify Key Issues: Look for issues such as sales reps using incorrect content or inconsistent lead handoffs.
  • Streamline Processes: Implement changes to address these issues and prevent revenue leakage.


Example 1: If your sales reps are struggling with follow-up, implement a standardized follow-up process with templates and reminders.

Example 2: If lead handoffs between marketing and sales are inconsistent, develop a clear handoff protocol to ensure leads are passed on promptly and accurately.


5. Identify Tools and Resources Needed


Once issues are identified and the content strategy is set, it's time to find the tools and resources that help execute our strategy effectively. Using the right tools and resources in place is crucial for effectively executing your sales enablement strategy. 


These tools help streamline processes, improve collaboration, and provide the necessary support for your sales team.


Steps to Identify Tools and Resources:

  • Determine Content Creation Needs: Identify tools needed for content creation, such as graphic design software or video editing tools.
  • Select a Content Management System (CMS): Choose a CMS that allows you to store, manage, and access content easily.
  • Research Sales Enablement Tools: Look for tools that facilitate sales training, content management, and performance tracking.


Example 1: If your content strategy involves creating a lot of visual content, you might invest in graphic design software like Adobe Creative Suite.

Example 2: For managing and distributing content, a CMS like HubSpot or Salesforce might be ideal.


6. Foster Collaboration


Collaboration is critical to a successful sales enablement strategy. Involve various teams to ensure a comprehensive and cohesive approach. 


Effective collaboration ensures that all teams are aligned and working towards common goals. This alignment is critical for the success of your sales enablement strategy.


Steps to Foster Collaboration:

  • Involve Relevant Teams: Collaborate with content writers, marketers, operations teams, and sales teams.
  • Use Collaboration Tools: Implement a collaboration platform where all teams can see what's happening and contribute.
  • Drive Teams Together: Ensure that all teams are working towards the same objectives and understand their roles.


Example 1: Set up regular meetings between sales and marketing teams to discuss progress, share insights, and align strategies.

Example 2: Use project management tools like Trello or Asana to track tasks and ensure everyone is on the same page.


7. Measure Performance


Establish clear, measurable KPIs that align with your sales enablement goals and business objectives. Regularly monitor these metrics to gauge the impact of your efforts. 


Regularly reviewing and updating your sales enablement strategy based on performance metrics ensures that your strategy remains effective and aligned with business objectives. 


It also helps identify areas for improvement, allowing you to make data-driven decisions.


KPIs to Measure Performance:


  • Lead Conversion Rates: Measure the percentage of leads that convert into customers.
  • Sales Cycle Length: Track the time it takes to close a deal from initial contact to final sale.
  • Content Engagement: Monitor metrics such as content views, downloads, shares, and time spent on content.
  • Sales Performance: Evalulate sales reps' performance, including quota attainment and win rates.
  • Tool Adoption: Assess how effectively sales reps are using the tools and resources provided.


Example 1: If lead conversion rates are low, analyze the content and sales tactics used during the lead nurturing process to identify areas for improvement.

Example 2: If sales cycle lengths are increasing, review the sales process to identify bottlenecks and implement strategies to streamline the process.


Critical Components of a Sales Enablement Strategy


To develop a successful sales enablement strategy, it must ideally include the following components:


A Sales Enablement Business Plan: This includes objectives and action plans required to achieve them. The business plan must be dynamic and move with the market trends and customer preferences. 


Resource Allocation: We must identify the budget and resources needed to execute our strategy. Allocating funds for content creation, training programs, sales enablement technologies, etc. are a critical part of the plan.


Here are a few typical roles within a sales enablement team:

  • Sales Enablement Manager: The manager oversees the strategy and ensures it is well-aligned with business objectives. 
  • Content Creators: Develop and curate sales collaterals that boost the sales process. 
  • Trainers: Designing and delivering training programs for the sales team is crucial to the success of a sales enablement plan. 


Content Development: Create high-quality content, including product datasheets, case studies, and competitive analyses. For example, Adobe’s sales enablement plan involves developing case studies that highlight successful implementations of their software solutions in various industries.


Training Programs: Design onboarding and ongoing training programs to improve sales skills and knowledge. For instance, a global enterprise might implement a quarterly training program featuring workshops on new sales techniques and industry trends.


Technology Integration: Implement and integrate tools that support sales activities. It can include CRM systems, sales enablement platforms, and analytics tools. SAP uses a comprehensive sales enablement platform to integrate content, training, and analytics into a unified system.


Content Management: Effective content management involves creating and organizing sales materials so that they are easily accessible and relevant. This includes:

  • Sales Collateral: Develop materials such as brochures, presentations, and case studies tailored to different buyer personas and stages of the sales funnel. For example, Cisco provides its sales reps with industry-specific case studies and product brochures that can be customized for individual clients.
  • Product Information: Ensure that detailed product descriptions, pricing, and competitive analyses are up-to-date and readily available. Microsoft offers comprehensive product sheets and competitive comparisons to help sales reps address potential objections.


content management - paperflite


Sales Enablement Strategy Template


To help you implement the steps outlined above, here is a flexible sales enablement strategy template that you can customize to suit your needs:

Download the Sales Enablement Strategy Template and customize it to suit your business needs.


What To Do After Creating a sales enablement Strategy?


Creating a sales enablement strategy is just the beginning. Once the strategy is in place, it's essential to communicate it clearly to all relevant teams, implement it effectively, and continuously monitor and refine it.


1. Communicate the Strategy


Ensure that all relevant teams understand the strategy and their roles in executing it. Clear communication is critical for effective collaboration and alignment. Clear communication ensures that everyone is on the same page and working towards common goals. It also helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures smooth execution.


Example 1: Host a kickoff meeting to present the strategy to all teams involved and explain their roles and responsibilities.

Example 2: Create a detailed document outlining the strategy and share it with all team members.


2. Implement the Strategy


Sales enablement implementation begins with putting the strategy into action. Sales enablement tactics include adopting the necessary tools and resources, developing and distributing content, and optimizing sales processes. 


Effective implementation ensures that your sales enablement strategy is executed as planned, providing the necessary support for your sales team to achieve their goals.


Example 1: Implement the chosen sales enablement tools and provide training to ensure that sales reps can use them effectively.

Example 2: Develop and distribute content according to the content calendar, ensuring that sales reps have access to the materials they need.


3. Monitor and Refine the Strategy


Review the performance of your sales enablement strategy regularly and make necessary adjustments to ensure it remains effective and aligned with business objectives. 


Continuous monitoring and refinement ensure that your sales enablement strategy evolves with changing business needs and market dynamics, keeping it relevant and effective.


Example 1: Schedule quarterly reviews to assess the effectiveness of your sales enablement strategy and make necessary adjustments.

Example 2: Use feedback from sales reps to refine training programs and content, ensuring they remain effective and relevant.




A well-defined sales enablement strategy enhances sales effectiveness and drives business growth. By aligning your strategy with business objectives, conducting thorough market analysis, developing a robust content strategy, optimizing sales processes, fostering collaboration, and measuring performance, you can create a sales enablement strategy that empowers your sales team and delivers sustainable results. 


Check out our customisable Sales Enablement Strategy Template to help develop or optimise your strategy.


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