How to get started with Social Selling

Understanding the what, how and why of social selling

September 12.2024  5 minutes


What is Social selling?


Social selling is a modern approach where salespeople use social media to share valuable content throughout the buyer’s journey, building trust and fostering strong relationships. Instead of directly pitching products, they influence perceptions and encourage purchases. 


With 75% of buyers using social media before buying, and 87% of sellers satisfied with this technique, it’s a powerful tool for driving sales and building connections. This guide will walk you through the art of social selling!


Key Differences Between Social Selling and Traditional Selling Methods


The goal of both these methods is the same: to close deals. However, they are entirely different in terms of approach and execution. 


Social Selling vs. Outbound Selling


In terms of engagement, social selling is smooth. You make smart efforts to know your audience, get their attention, engage them using multiple techniques, and present the products or services. 


On the other hand, outbound selling is knocking at people's doors or getting into their DMs for attention and pitching them your products without earning their trust.


In other words, social selling is like taking one step at a time in a relationship, whereas outbound or inbound selling is like a speed date—quick and to the point. Although social selling may take some time, it provides more fruitful results than outbound selling.


Social selling relies on engaging social media posts, blogs, videos, and other types of content. These tactics boost engagement, enhance reach, boost brand awareness, and generate many conversions


However, the tools used for outbound selling are direct mail and cold-calling. Unfortunately, many times, however, they result in awkwardness and disappointment.


How to Get Started with Social Selling?


Profile Optimization


Having well-optimized and professional social media profiles is a must for social selling. Your social media profile is your first impression. Always make them count. Without them, you may fail to stand out and attract your clients. To optimize your profiles, follow these simple yet effective steps:


  • Use a professional and high-quality profile photo
  • Write a clear and effective bio
  • Create compelling summaries
  • Add contact information
  • Add links to other social profiles
  • Insert the link to your online store to the summary 


Content Creation and Sharing


Once you have built a profile, it's time to create and share content on it. No matter what, never take this step lightly. In most cases, the content makes or breaks your campaigns. So, remember, wait to start creating content.


Before anything else,


  • Know the Brand: 

Sales representatives must pay more attention to this step. Ideally, you need to know a brand to pitch itself or its products to the audience. Therefore, understand the brand first. Discover its unique selling propositions and the values it upholds. It can help you know what type of content fits best.


  • Analyze Your Audience:

Understand your content consumers, or, in other words, your targeted audience. Make sure to analyze their online buying behavior, pain points, language, cultural values, social media platforms they use, and the queries they have in their minds. Once you know all these things, creating helpful and compelling content will become much easier for you.


  • Discover the Content Gap: 

Want to stand out from the crowd? Provide something exclusive to your readers. For that, analyze the available content and discover the content gap. Once it's found, exploit it. It will help you generate more organic leads and build authority in your niche.


  • Create engaging and valuable content: 

Now is the time to capitalize on all the data you have gathered. Create content like you are writing a love letter to your audience. It should be engaging, compelling, and, most importantly, impossible to ignore. Whether it's an informational video, a quirky quiz, or an insightful blog post, make sure it's something that your audience cannot help sharing with others. For that, mix entertainment with value.


Identify and Connect with Prospects


Knowing the audience and creating helpful content is sometimes enough for social selling. As a sales representative, you should also reach your prospects. If you fail to do so, all your efforts will go in vain. Finding your prospects is like hunting for treasure, so never compromise on it.


Here are some creative strategies to connect with your potential clients:


Use Advanced Search Methods:

Start the process by using advanced search methods. To do that, utilize all available resources, including search filters, relevant keywords, hashtags, and, most importantly, online image search tools. The image search method will directly lead you to your targets and the platforms to gather information about relevant products.


Analyze the Platforms They Use:

The next step is to find out where your potential clients hang out online. Discover whether they use Twitter (X), Instagram, or Facebook. Each platform has a unique vibe; tailor content accordingly; it will work like a magic wand and help you generate tons of leads.


Join relevant groups: 

Many goldmines exist for sales representatives on social media. Find and enter them. For that, find relevant groups, forums, and subreddits. Once you join them, present yourself as the go-to expert by frequently sharing valuable content and answering people's queries. If you do it perfectly, you won't need to chase your leads, but they will chase you.


Setting Goals and KPIs


Never wander aimlessly on social media. When hunting for a treasure, make sure to have a clear roadmap. To do so, set goals and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).


Start the process by clearly defining your objectives. Understand whether you want to increase engagement, enhance reach, or generate objects. To achieve each of these goals, you need a different roadmap. Without them, you may get lost somewhere in the middle of the jungle and never find your way out.


Moreover, identify and select the right set of KPIs. Once they are chosen, measure them frequently. For instance, check out the engagement rate (how often people interact with your content), social reach (the number of people who see your content), and conversion rates (the percentage of people who take your desired actions).


Measuring will help you find and fix imperfections in your campaigns and keep you on the right track that leads you to success. 


Benefits of Social Selling


Build stronger relationships

Arguably, it's the most significant benefit of B2B social selling. In competitive business environments, fostering long-term client relationships is more important than making more minor interactions. When you engage, entertain, and educate your audience, it transforms clients into friends. As a sales representative, you should prefer making friends over clients. Doing this will surely help you generate more conversions than ever.


Enhance Lead Generation

As discussed earlier, most online shoppers use social media to make buying decisions. So, leverage it in your favor. Don't chase your prospects. Provide valuable and compelling content. The content will work as a magnet that will draw them to you. That's how you can nurture more leads than directly pitching your products.


Increased Sales Efficiency

Social selling allows you to be there for your potential clients at every phase of the buying process. Gone are the days when sales reps had to send emails to their audience, frequently take follow-ups, and eventually get blocked. It's time to facilitate clients at every stage of the buying process. This practice will dramatically shorten the sales cycle and help you quickly achieve your goals.


Improve Brand Awareness and Loyalty

Sales reps should prefer selling experiences over products or services. This practice is more helpful in many ways. Yes, it's a long route in some cases. But mostly, it leads to success. Through consistent and value-driven interactions, you can build brand awareness, emotionally connect with the audience, and foster loyalty, an irreplaceable asset for any brand.



Social Selling Across Various Channels


Remember, in social selling, one size doesn't fit all. Every social media platform has a unique audience, environment, and user behavior. To maximize the overall impact of your campaign, tailor your strategy according to each channel.


Let's discover the best practices for each platform.




Social selling with LinkedIn can help you take your brand to the next level. If utilized perfectly, it can revamp your marketing campaigns. It offers an excellent opportunity for everyone to connect with professionals, industry specialists, influencers, and potential clients.


  • Optimize Profile:

To capitalize on this platform, optimize your profile. First, upload a professional and high-quality photo, write a compelling headline, and write a summary that perfectly tells your brand story.

  • Build Connections: 

After optimizing your profile, join relevant groups and build connections. However, never add any random person to your network. When it comes to building connections on LinkedIn, prioritize quality over quantity.

  • Thought Leadership: 

The next step is to share insightful content, engage in discussions, and demonstrate your knowledge. This practice will eventually attract your prospects and generate organic leads effortlessly. Moreover, social proof should always uphold endorsements and recommendations as they build trust and credibility.

  • Leverage LinkedIn Sales Navigator: 

It's an outstanding tool for advanced prospecting on LinkedIn. This tool can be a game-changer for you. It can help you perform targeted searches, monitor trends, and get lead recommendations. In short, it can help you make the right calls and uplift your social selling game.


X (formerly Twitter):


X is unquestionably a great platform for creating brand awareness and fostering real-time engagement. Compared to many other social networking platforms, it's more effective in raising awareness and targeting a wider audience, and that too, without putting much effort.


Have a look at how to use this platform for social selling.

  • Participate in Relevant Conversations: 

For better reach and effectiveness, stay active on X. For that, follow industry-specific hashtags, participate in insightful threads, and engage in conversation. Such practices will help you get noticed by your prospects and establish yourself as knowledgeable.

  • Leverage Hashtags: 

When posting something on X, strategically choose and use hashtags to enhance the visibility of your posts.




Because of its diverse and vast user base, it's ideal for social selling. It allows all brands to build a presence, engage with the audience, and establish relationships. Here is how you can perfectly utilize this outstanding platform:

  • Create a Facebook Page: 

Create a business page with your brand name. Use a professional profile and cover photo, and add your business address and all the relevant details about your brand. 

Your Facebook page is a hub for sharing content, engaging with followers, and reflecting your brand personality. So, keep your page updated and stay in touch with your followers. This will significantly assist you in social selling and building trust and credibility.

  • Join Relevant Groups: 

You can also use Facebook to sell products or services if you are not a brand owner working as a sales representative or commission agent. For that, create a professional profile and join relevant groups. After joining them, participate in discussions, share your knowledge, and offer helpful advice to people. Soon, you will get noticed. And that's when you can throw your net and catch the fish.

  • Run targeted ads: 

No more shouting into the void. Leverage Facebook ads. They work like magic wands for brand owners. Unlike traditional marketing platforms, Facebook ads are generally more direct and impactful. They allow users to target the ideal audience. Carefully select the audience's demographics, interests, and behaviors, and observe the magic.




If you frequently share engaging and valuable content on Instagram, it won't disappoint you. Use it strategically, and watch your sales spike at an unprecedented rate!

  • Share Engaging Reels and Stories: 

Want to compel Instagram users to engage with your content? Then, create and share powerful content. Instagram users love visual-based content, so provide them with that type of content and experience magic.

  • Collaborate with Influencers:

Partnering with influencers allows you to reach an audience you may never get otherwise. Choose influencers who work in a similar niche and have a voice. Remember, Instagram influencers are modern-day celebrities. Their endorsements are helpful in social selling.

  • Timely Respond to Prospects' Queries: 

Whenever a person slides on your DM or comments on your posts, respond to them immediately. Timely response is a key to success on Instagram. It can turn a casual inquiry into a conversion.


Social Selling Best Practices


Consistency and Authenticity


Consistency and authenticity are your best buddies in social selling. Nothing can help you more than these two elements in this marketing method. Consistently posting content will help you keep your brand relevant. 


Conversely, authenticity enables you to build a solid reputation and foster long-term relationships with your clients. And blending these two traits can skyrocket your sales.


Engagement over Promotion


The promotion is alright. However, social media engagement is far better than that. Imagine two different salespeople. One shouts out from their lungs, "Buy my products," and the other simply engages with you in a friendly conversation to help you find the most suitable products. Who would you prefer? The latter one? Your clients will also do the same. So, I prefer engagement over promotion.


Leveraging Analytics


Analytics is always crucial in all types of marketing methods. They help you learn what's working well and flopping badly. In other words, they guide you about the effectiveness of your campaigns and allow you to stay on the right track.


Ongoing Learning and Adaptation


On social media, trends change faster, you never know what's coming next. However, you can match your pace with them and adjust accordingly. It's the only way to survive. 


Keep analyzing the content on social media, users' changing behavior, and most importantly, their buying habits, and adapt to them. Evolve with time, and you can meet your sales targets.


What Other Opportunities Can You Get from Social Selling?


Customer Retention and Upselling


Social selling glued your clients. They keep coming back to your brand whenever they want specific products. Compared to traditional marketing methods, social selling is more effective in customer retention.


However, for that, stay active on social media and keep sharing helpful and informative content with your audience. Your presence on social media will never let them forget your brand and its products. It will also compel them to try your other products or take advantage of your exclusive offers.


Market Research and Competitive Analysis


Social selling has to offer lots of things in its bucket. Surprisingly, it can also help salespeople with market research and competitive analysis. By monitoring people's behavior and content consumption habits, you can quickly analyze what's hot and what's not.


It also allows you to monitor your competitors like a hawk. By monitoring their marketing strategies, you can find opportunities for yourself and adjust your strategy accordingly in real time.


Brand Advocacy


Want free brand ambassadors for your brand? Social selling can help you with that as well. They can promote your brand in their inner circles that are out of your reach. However, make them feel valued and part of your team.


Show love to your loyal customers, share their stories, promote user-generated content, and celebrate their wins. All these strategies can help you earn your client's respect. And if you succeed, they will unquestionably advocate your brand and spread good vibes about it.


Best Social Selling Tools


LinkedIn Sales Navigator


LinkedIn Sales Navigator is your best weapon for social selling. It offers a wide range of search filters. Using them lets you narrow your search and quickly find your ideal prospects. Additionally, it provides real-time insights. So it helps you make informed and correct decisions.



  • Customer insights
  • Numerous search filters
  • CRM integration
  • Accurate reporting



LinkedIn Sales Navigator offers three plans:

  • Core: $99/month
  • Advanced: $149/month
  • Advanced Plus: Starts at $1600/seat per year


Sales Hub by HubSpot


Do you want to make your social selling campaigns more fruitful? Then, try Sales Hub by HubSpot. This particular tool is like a superhero. It can save your campaigns and help you conquer your Everest. It can help you locate potential leads and discover what type of content you need to convert them. It can help you at each phase of selling. 


So, if you are looking for a one-stop solution for social selling, Sales Hub by HubSpot is the right tool for that.



  • Live chat
  • Conversational bots
  • Email templates
  • Deals tracking



HubSpot offers one free and three premium plans, including;

  • Starter: $20/month per seat
  • Professional: $100/month per seat
  • Enterprise: $150/month per seat




Salesforce is another excellent tool that sales reps may love for social selling. It can also be your great companion. This cloud-based tool is designed to generate leads, manage sales, manage quotes, and handle customer interactions. In short, it provides sales reps with a wide range of products and features that design profitable social selling campaigns.



  • Content management
  • Email Scheduling
  • Generative AI



Like the other tools mentioned here, it also offers three plans:


  • Enterprise: $165/month per seat
  • Unlimited: $330/month per seat
  • Einstein 1 Sales: $500/month per seat




In the final analysis, social selling is more helpful for sales representatives and brands than old-school selling tactics. It helps brands generate leads and conversions, build solid client relationships, and convert them into brand ambassadors. In short, it's a game-changer.

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